Samsung Star II (S5260): Samsung has decided to revamp one of its successful mobile, Star talk about the Samsung S5230, a midrange computer which has sold over 30 million units worldwide. This new version will be called Samsung Star II or Samsung S5260 and submit with its predecessor a more innovative design and WI-FI connectivity.
It also has a slot for MicroSD memory cards, FM radio and has a 3.2 megapixel camera, maintains, like the first version of the Samsung Star, 3-inch touch screen interface and Touch Wiz. Samsung is expected to appear Star II S5260 in the India in early February.
The display is a 3" 240 x 400 pixel unit, the old resistive panel on the Star was the same size, but this is reportedly a capacitive panel which is much nicer to use. On the back is a basic 3.2 megapixel camera and the Samsung Star II has WiFi but no 3G support